John R. Bentley

John R. Bentley
Year Inducted: 2019
John R. Bentley was born in Wilkes County in 1939. He is a 1957 graduate of Wilkes Central High School, and completed two years at Lees McCrae College. In 1959 he joined the army and was sent to Germany where he served a total of 30 months. He served in CCA Unit Police for thirteen months. The Unit Police was an organization which accepted only outstanding men, placing them on the most stringent requirements. After he performed his duty with the Unit Police, he served in 2d Medium Tank Battalion, 1st Cavalry, 3d Armored Division (Spearhead), APO 39 US Forces. He served with Elvis Presley for 4 months.
Bentley is a well-known Boy Scouts of America volunteer for his service of 69 years. He has served as scoutmaster of five different scout troops in Wilkes and Avery County, as well as district representative. His service has led to many awards on the local, regional and national level. He was awarded Boy Scouts of America’s highest award, the Silver Beaver, and the Baptist-Good Shepard Award for scouting. Bentley also holds The Order of the Arrow as vigil with the name “Linchpin”. The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. Bentley was awarded the “Citizen’s Award” in 1970 by WKBC radio for outstanding service, acts of kindness, and thoughtful consideration to the people of Wilkes County. In 1990, the “John R. Bentley Scholarship” was started in recognition of Bentley’s unselfish service to boys and Boy Scouting. The scholarship was to be granted periodically so that all scouts of Troop 333, Hays, North Carolina, who achieve the honor of Eagle Scout may attend the Philmont Scout Reservation. Bentley was also honored by the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society in appreciation of commendable service.
Bentley is a lifelong member of the Boy Scouts of America and has volunteered in leadership positions in local troops and at the district and council levels. He served as waterfront director at Camp Raven Knob in Mount Airy, NC, and he is a founding member of the “Cook Crew” which serves over 1,000 scouts three meals per day while attending arrow events.
Through his guidance, Bentley has influenced hundreds of youth. He is known to the community as putting “his boys” first, and always teaching them to “do their best.” His legacy has touched multiple generations of some families in the community.